This is a little something of how this site came about.
I first decided to create a Justin Timberlake fansite back in
1999. I created it on Geocities. I used only html pages. I then
expanded the site to use css file and decided to do a fansite for
all of *NSYNC. I then realized the site was getting too big and I
wanted to add lots of stuff using databases so on July of 2004 I
bought www.nsyncfandemonium.com and named the fansite *NSYNC
Fandemonium. It had a photo gallery, forum, downloads, etc.
Sometime after that I came upon fanlistings and saw that there
was already one for *NSYNC and also for each member except Joey
Fatone so I created one at fanlistings.nsyncfandemonium.com/joey.
I was adding each member manually. I then came upon phpfanbase
and started using that. I became more and more interested in
fanlistings and applied for more and created them all in
phpfanbase which were found at fanlistings.nsyncfandemonium.com.
I then came upon enthusiast. I saw that this was so much more
easier. All I needed was one script for both joined and owned
listings. I now own over 100 listings.
I was taking a web designing class in school and we were required
to create a website as a final project. I decided to create a
Keanu Reeves one since I am a huge fan of his. It was created at
keanu.neyncfandemonium.com. It had a forum, photo gallery,
downloads, etc. It was growing to be as big as my *NSYNC fansite.
After this in December of 2006 I decided that I wanted to
concentrate more on listings than on fansites so I closed down
the Keanu Reeves fansite and bought this domain,
www.filipinaprincess.com. The name came upon as I was thinking of
different names. All the ones I wanted as a domain were all
taken. I had first considered dogstar.com, net, or .org but all
were taken. I liked this because I am a huge Keanu Reeves fan and
he was in the band, Dogstar and I love dogs and stars. I then
came up with many others but eventually Filipina Princess came
about because I am a filipina girl and everyone in my family
calls me a princess. I was always there little princess so what
better than to put the two together.
Filipina Princess is the home to my personal site and collective.
This domain was launched on January 1, 2007.
My domain, Filipina Princess, and all it's subdomain were hacked
and was giving off a warning message or virus to computers. Since
my domain was expiring I decided to purchase a new domain. Like
the last time, I had a hard time picking a domain name. I had
several in mind but all were taken. I then decided I wanted one
with the word green in it since green is my favorite color. I
came up with greenangel.com since my favorite song is "Angel" by
Shaggy. This was already taken. I then considered doing a hypened
domain name and going with green-angel.com, which is available. I
decided to stick with a none hyphened name and decided I wanted a
.net name. I thought of audiohype.net and said why not do
greenhype.net. Low and behold it was available and I purchased
it. I've since moved everything over to this new domain. This
domain was launched on November 24, 2009.