January 5, 2007 | Author: Joy
I am so excited about going to the Justin Timberlake concert. It is on January 16. It is in Staples Center in Los Angeles, California, USA. It is where the LA Lakers have there games. I got my tickets about 1 1/2 months ago. My seats are not floor seats near the stage but 8 rows up after the floor seats. I think that is pretty close. It is also facing the center of the stage.
The reason I am so excited is because I am a huge Justin Timberlake fan. I am obssessed with him. Everyone in my family knows that and all my friends knows that too. I have been to 2 *N Sync concerts. I also have been outside TRL studios in New York City 3 times when *N Sync was there. The first time was when they were there. The second time was when they were there with Gloria Estefan and the third time was when Joey Fatone and Chris Kirkpatrick were hosting the show in their pajamas. I’ve also go to Virgin Megastore in New York City and waited in the long line to buy their CD. The first (I’m not sure how many people) … people to get in and buy the CD gets a pass to come back at night to get their autograph there. I was in line and there were 2 people in front of me when they said no more people can go in. I was disappointed. I’ve even called the radio station many times to win tickets. If I could marry anyone it would have to be Justin Timberlake.
My mom’s ex-boyfriend got me the tickets. He is cousin’s with my mom’s cousin’s husband. He was there at the hospital the day I was born. My mom knew him my whole life and she dated/lived with him for the past 2 1/2 years. They never planned on getting married. They broke up because mom wants to move to Illinois to fufill my grandmother’s dying wish and he didn’t want to leave here (California). He has live here for more than 40 years and has a good job. They still talk. He has his own place now and I go spend some weekends there. He treats me like I am his daughter. I never had a father because he died in a car accident before I was born. My mom did get married once but he was no good. I never felt like I could call him my father and he never treated me like this guy has treated me. He’s been there for me like a father would be for their daughter. I couldn’t ask for more. The only thing I could ask for is to meet Justin himself in person.

January 4, 2007 | Author: Joy
My grandmother passed away last May and right before she died she told my mom that she wanted her and me to move to Illinois to live near my aunt. She is the youngest and was always the favorite of my grandmother. We have been trying to sell this house since July but we are having no luck. It is not a good time to sell. We were gonna sell this house and use the money from the sell of this house to buy another one in Illinois. A house that is brand new, custom built. Because we couldn’t sell this we are not gonna buy that house.
We are changing brokers because the contract expired with the one we had. We are gonna go with brokers from Coldwell Banker. They are a husband and wife team who having been doing this together for over 25 years. Every house they tried to sell were sold for asking price or about no more than $20,000 less than asking price. Hopefully we can sell and move to Illinois.
I am looking forward to moving there because of my cousin. She will be 10 in April and every year since her 2nd birthday I have gone to Illinois to visit her during break break to help celebrate her birthday. She and I get along so well. We are practically like sisters. She had her 1st birthday in New York and I was there since I was living there at the time.
I hope all can pray that this house gets sold soon. It will be available for sell starting January 22.

January 4, 2007 | Author: Joy
I want to welcome all to this domain. I just recently bought this new domain. I hope you all like the name I chose. I think it describes me perfectly. I am a Filipina girl and I am a princess. Well that’s what people in my family call me. They say I am there princess. I just put the two together and the name came together.
I am still in the process of moving all my listings over from my old domain (nsyncfandemonium.com) to this one. I am also giving away some of my listings. I am giving away the ones that I am not a huge fan of anymore but am still a fan of because I have over 100 listings and don’t want to have to transfer over all. It won’t be that hard as I still have the same host and everything and will be keeping the databases as they are and will just upload all listings. I will also change the layouts of some as they need new layouts. I still have to make some buttons/codes for my collective and for this site as I have a new domain. If you would like to own any of my listings head on over to the adoptions page and apply. I have set the date for applying to January 7th but if no one applies I might extend the date because as I transfer over all fanlistings I might adopt out some more fanlistings. I am gonna give up several fanlistings because there are some that I would like to apply for.
I just finished changing the design of all the skins on the collective. There are 8 skins. I also finished the layout for this site. I decided to make a Keroppi layout because green is my favorite color and I just love Sanrio. Don’t most girls do!!! I just couldn’t think of anything green that is better than Keroppi. he is just so too cute.
I have 7 fanlistings that I was approved for but have yet to create. I also have 2 fanlistings that I was approved to adopt but I’ve yet to create those as well. I’ve been behind because I was away for the holidays visiting my cousin in Arizona with my mom and my dog. I was also busy getting the skins done on my collective and getting the layout done over here. I will start working on these fanlistings tomorrow.