time is on our side by >> christine graham

As Serena and Emily sat on the roof they chuckled as they listened to the guys confusion as they tried to figure out where Serena had gone, they checked all of the cupboards in the room, checked out side the window and behind every piece of furniture before they finally made their way out of the room. Emily giggled as she heard Donnie mutter "Where the hell is she?" and Joey respond with "I don't know but she was hot"

"Well actually Joey she was cold, when I touched her shoulder she was freezing. It isn't that cold tonight so I wonder how she got that cold!" Jonathan added as Joey looked at him

"Bad circulation" Jordan quipped as the others laughed but the girls could hear the slight caution in their laugh. As they couldn't make sense of what had happened and then they went quiet and all the girls could hear was their footsteps as they made their way down the hallway while the girls watched the buses pull up to the door on the ground below. The guys sprinted from the door to the buses while the waiting crowd cheered and called their names and the girl's watched from a safe distance.

"Where do you think they are staying?" Emily muttered softly.

"Not sure but I'm sure you could find out, if you wanted to...just tune in"

Emily looked at Serena "You know it's harder to do when I haven't meet the person"

"I know but it's good practice for you, but if you're not up to it then you know there is another option." Serena smirked at Emily

"Let me try first" Emily closed her eyes as she tried to channel their thoughts, she had to get inside one of their heads. Serena watched as the buses started to move out, they were moving so slowly due to the crowd that Serena turned to look at Emily. Emily's face twisted as she tried to sort through the thoughts that were flooding into her mind, it was like a million voices speaking all at once as she tried to pick out the voices she was looking for. Suddenly she heard something but at first she wasn't sure which guy it was

"Who was she and how did she get out of that room without any of us seeing her? Ah shit what do I care she was hot, super hot. I wish Jon hadn't scared her by trying to pass her off to Earl, stupid!

Emily smirked as she listened as Serena watched her. She was picking up several voices now but they were all talking at once so she knew that they were thoughts and that none of the guys were talking as they made their way out of the arena grounds.

"Em, you picking anything up that we can use?" Serena nudged her

"Nah, they are all too busy thinking about how hot you are!"

"Really?" Serena smiled as Emily opened one eye to give her a withering look

"Yeah Really!" Emily grumbled

"Ah well it looks like it's my turn to figure this out." Serena smiled as she stood up and Emily let out a long sigh. The buses were out of the arena car park and on the road to the hotel, Serena could still see the buses in the distance but she had tuned into the sound of the buses as they drove of so she would be able to track them easily, they also had a distinctive smell due to the fuel they were using, so it would be a breeze. As the buses went out of sight Serena turned to Emily "You ready?"

"Urgh, I hate this part. But yeah I'm ready!" Serena wrapped an arm around Emily and soon they were whipping through the air as Serena followed the sounds of the buses as she breathed the air picking up their scent too. Emily had never liked flying and was glad she had gotten another skill when she was turned, but Serena loved the feeling of flying and always had since she had mastered it, she always felt free when she's flying above everything. The rush of watching people move below her like ants always made her smile. She felt like a bird of prey as she would swoop and dive in the night air waiting until she picked her spot to land. But there was no swooping or diving tonight or she would have a very grumpy Emily at the other end to deal with. When Serena slowed and slowly lowered them to the roof of the hotel, Emily stomped her feet on the solid ground as she always did. She was happy to be back on firm ground.

Joey was lost in thought and had spent the journey thinking about the mysterious girl from the room. He thought about her long dark hair, which had looked silky and almost black. It had been sleek and straight and had flowed down her back stopping midway, her eyes had been shrouded in long dark eyelashes which framed her eyes in such a way that made her emerald green eyes pop. They had glistened as she had taken him in from head to toe and he had felt and electric charge when she looked directly at him. He let his mind pull up a mental image of her but he could get certain thoughts out of his mind. 'How did she get to that window' he kept thinking, 'it was four floors up and then she had vanished. As he had shut the window he had felt a rush of air but it couldn't have been her? Could it?'

The bus pulled up in front of the hotel and he automatically stood when the door slid open, he descended slowly with his mind deep in thought and the mental image of his mystery girl burning bright in his head and he knew he would have some good dreams tonight.

"Anyone up for a drink?" Jonathan asked as they all collected in the hotel foyer

"Sure I'll have one or two before bed" Donnie responded and the others nodded as they drifted towards the bar with Earl and the security team in tow. The guys spoke to a handful of fans who were in the lobby before disappearing into the bar area.

Once they had their drinks, they sat and looked at each other as Joey held up his glass "A Toast" Joey looked at everyone "To a great concert, the beginning of a great tour, to my brother and a very mysterious girl"

"To a mysterious girl" the guys chimed as the glasses clinked and they all took a drink. As they chatted and drank they started to relax, soon they were laughing and telling stories and jokes. There were not that many people in the bar and those who were there, were enjoying their own conversations and not paying any notice to the group of guys in the corner. Suddenly Joey felt a breeze brush past him and as the turned to look towards where the draft had come from he saw Serena sitting at the bar with Emily. "Mysterious Girl" he whispered under his breath.

They were poised on tall stools at the end of the bar, the lighting was low and she had her back turned slightly but he knew it was her and he wanted to go speak to her. He took another long slow drink of his beer and decided to wait and watch.

Serena looked at the bartender and smiled as he brought them their drinks without them having to order anything, another great skill she loved to use. The power of suggestion was great in so many situations and Emily looked at her with a smirk. "That poor guy has no idea what you just did to him!"

"I know, isn't it great"

Emily looked at her with a smile but was shaking her head at the same time. They had known each other for almost 50 years and in every sense of the word they were sisters. They love each other dearly but they also fight and disagree regularly, mainly about how they use their gifts. Emily loves to experiment with her gift but she is she was still learning to use and mastering her gifts so she is a little more conservative but Serena takes full advantage of all of her gifts and loves every moment.

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