
... to Simple World, the personal site run by Joy. This site was prevously known as Green Fairy and was opened sometime in January 2003. Please enjoy your stay!


Fanlisting Forms

I haven’t gotten around to fixing the fanlisting forms for all listings so many may not look right. Bear with me as I get that done something next month or in February. Please do not let this stop you from joining the fanlisting. Thanks for being patient with me.

PHP 7.4

I have finally finished fixing everything so that they work with PHP 7.4. If you find something not working then please let me know. You can send an email to joy@greenhype.net or fill out the contact form.

PHP 7.4 Compatible

I have been working the past week trying to get everything to work with PHP 7.4. My host allows us to choose whatever version of PHP we want to use. I have been using 5.6 for the longest time. I decided to upgrade to 7.4 because people have had their host automatically upgrade everyone to 7.4 with no way to change to another PHP version and version 5.6 is really old.

I started by trying to fix my listings collective and all its listings to work with 7.4. Martina over at the TFL Board made an update to Listing Admin to allow it to working with PHP 7.2. I installed that and got that to display my updates on my collective site. I then was going through everything in my Listing admin admin control panel trying to fix whatever was wrong.

Meanwhile I noticed the stuff on my personal site that uses MySQL databases was not working including my updates/blog which uses the FanUpdate script. I had posted about this on the TFL Board and Ekaterina worked on it to be compatible with 7.2+. I just updated that tonight and I can say it works.

I also have a script I found years ago that was for displaying movies you owned on your site and had an admin control panel for adding, updating and deleting your movies. I installed that for movies and tweaked it to work with books, music and games/karaoke. I had installed 4 versions of the script. This did not work anymore in PHP 7.4. I spent a day searching for something similar to this that I could use but couldn’t find anything. I then decided to make my own PHP pages that would do what I want.

I started last week by making a new table with what info I wanted to display for my books and then I added the books from the books table from the other script to this new table. Doing so I had to edit books so that I removed the unnecessary stuff I did not need. Once the table was done, I went about making a PHP page on my personal site that would connect to the database, select all the books from the books table and display in a table format. Originally I had styled the table directly in the old PHP page that displayed the books. Doing this when you went to each skin/layout the books page was the same styling throughout all skins/layouts. This time I went into each skin/layout and styled it to match the skin/layout.

When this was done I designed how I wanted the admin control panel to look and then I went about making the layout. I had originally decided that I was going to have a separate admin control for each one…books, movies, etc. I also decided that I wanted one page that would do everything by passing the variable in the url that would tell the page if you are adding, updating or deleting but I spent a day trying to figure out how to code this and couldn’t get this to work. I then decided to have a separate page for each and also to make one control panel with a login and after you login you choose which you wanted to work on books, music, etc and then you will get a page where you can choose to add, edit or delete and the appropriate page will load where you can do the work.

Then I worked on the main page that would just display stats about the collection. It would display the total number of everything combined plus the total number of each one. When I finished this I worked on getting the login page and logout to work.The index page is where you will get a login form. You login with the form and if the username and password is found in the database table it creates a session and loads the main page which is the stats page. If it does not find the usernamne and password in the database table it will load the login page again.

When this worked I created a page that displays all the book titles with edit and delete buttons next to the title. I added a link above the table that you can click on to add a book. I also made it so that the page will not load and display everything if you are not logged in. It will simply load the login page. When that worked I worked on the edit page. Then when that was working I worked on the delete page. I had originally wanted a page that loads when you click on Delete that would as if you really wanted to delete or else load the books page. I couldn’t get this to work after trying for so long. I ended up not making a page but just making a popup box that asks if you want to delete and if you click ok the books page loads with the book listed. If you click on cancel the books page loads and the book is not listed.

Then I went back and used the same codes from all the pages to display the movies on my personal site and do all the admin stuff.That all works too. I had to edit the movies table because I originally was displaying the cast and genre with / instead of , between each actor and genre. In one of the skin/layout the table was too wide to fit in the layout. I had to change the / to a comma and then the table fit in the skin/layout. Took me all day today to do that and to also change the books series number. I had originally just displayed the books by title in alphabetical order. I decide that I wanted to display the books alphabetically by author first, then alphabetically by series and then by book number in the series. What should have happened be for the books to display as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, etc but that was not the case it was displaying as 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 2, 20, etc. I had to go into the database table and add 0s in front of the numbers. Since I had a lot of books this took time. If there was less that 10 books in the series I left the number as is. If there was more than 10 but less that 99 I just added 1 zero in front of the number. If there was more than 100 in the series then I would add 2 zeroes in front of number 1 to 9 and 1 zero in front of numbers 10 to 99. This took quite a bit of time to do as I have over 100 The Baby-sitters Club books and over 100 Nancy Drew books.

Now everything except for my music, games/karaoke and most of my listings should be working with PHP 7.4. I haven’t finished my listings because I have over 100 of them which has their own jac.inc.php file that I need to edit so it can work with PHP 7.4. I’ll do that tomorrow as well as finish music and games/karaoke. In the meantime while I have spent about a week doing getting all this to work I have set my PHP to 5.6 so that everything works and I do not get on the troubles list at TFL.

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