My aunt planned a surprise birthday dinner for my mom’s 60th birthday. She planned this for like two weeks. The dinner was for January 18, 2014. That morning I woke up and it was snowing hard. My mom wanted to cancel and go another night. I told her we couldn’t cancel and that my aunt already planned this. My mom didn’t know it was a surprise dinner. She thought it was only the family (5 of us…her, me, my uncle, my aunt and cousin). She didn’t know other people were going to be at the dinner. The dinner was all the way in Chicago which would take an hour to get there without traffic.
Fast forward. We have the dinner and are driving back home. There are six of us in the car because my cousin’s boyfriend came too. During dinner my cousin got made at her boyfriend for something he said to my uncle so she wasn’t talking to anyone. She decided to sit in the third row (trunk). This was where I was sitting on the drive to the restaurant. I ended up sitting in the middle in the back seat between my aunt and my cousin’s boyfriend. My uncle was driving and my mom was sitting in the passenger seat up front.
Anyways, it stopped snowing but the roads and freeways were slippery. You couldn’t see the slippery roads and freeway but it was really slippery. My uncle kept driving really fast and cutting cars on the left and on the right. He cut a car on the right and there was a split on the freeway. There was a pile of snow with a yellow barrier and a yellow barrel. After he cut the car on the right he realized that he had to be all the way to the left because we had to change freeway. He then cut to the left quickly and we went up the pile of snow towards the barrier and barrel. To avoid hitting them he swerved real fast to the left and we went spinning to the left and almost hit the divider but stopped suddenly right next to it.
My cousin who was in the third row was thrown and she hit her head hard on the window. She started crying. I was thrown to my left towards my aunt and I hit my head on the handlebar behind my the driver’s seat. My head started hurting and the one spot where I got him started throbbing. When my mom turned around to ask me where I hit my head I told her where and pointed to the handlebar. My uncle then got mad and in a nasty way said “I’m sorry.” When my cousin was crying he said in a rude way “If you are hurt that bad you should go to the emergency room.” Luckily she wasn’t bleeding. She hit the glass for goodness sake.
This was a miracle because my uncle kept cutting cars. There were cars all around us…in front, back and both sides. When he swerved to avoid hitting the barrel and barrier there were no more cars around us. It was as if they all stopped and were way behind us. If the cars were still there we would have hit them and it would have been a huge accident and we might have died and others might have died or have injuries.
My mom and I are very religious so I think that had something to do with it. I think angels were watching us. Also, my grandmother, who died about 7 years ago, was very religious and I think she was watching out for us. My cousin said she will never get in a car with her dad again no matter how much he gets angry. She said if we go anywhere with him we will take two cars. This is better since he has no patients and whenever he finishes eating he rushes to leave. he can’t wait for us to leave. If we take two cars he can leave whenever he wants and we can take our time, eat and chill.